Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Poetry: Arbeit Macht Frei

Patrons to the Nazi work camps were greeted by signs that said "Labour Makes You Free"
I think I hear that same phrase every night on my TV

Have a sit down


We've got big plans for you
Trust us
We know what's best and right to do

Juden were known by their stamp
So what's really changed today?
Society is a work camp
They don't have to drag us away

Work away your life in their plantation
Rest and turn on their television station
Sedate yourself with drugs and alcohol
Stop thinking, nothing matters at all

Sit idly by among their transgressions
They have their own means of social oppression
On scales of which no one thinks about
Overwhelming, it sets me down and out

Far from you are all life's joys
Far from home, far from your wives
Thousands march without a noise
Work makes you free, believe the lies

Push all those papers in your cubicles
Scared of the boss, nibbling your cuticles
I see a shrew, I see you,
and the rodent things you do